Friday, August 24, 2007

Boredom inspires creativity...

So boredom inspires creativity.

I kid you not.

Econs lectures (the most boring of the lot) somehow gets me doodling and writing down poems.

I'm serious. The other time during on Econs lecture, I was bemoaning the loss of my phone (rushing in the morning, I forgot to bring it) and decided to write a poem to it:

Requiem for a phone
You were gone
That time
Never found

I looked into my pocket and I couldn't find you
I looked so very very long - even in my shoe

Oh! How I miss your vibration!
Oh! The sweet anticipation
Of opening a message
To read about some garbage

I miss you...

I feel so empty - my pocket is bare
There's definitely something missing - it's always there
Come back...
Don't lag...
My phone...

The poem sounds quite suggestive at some parts. It's quite cheesy, though. HAHA.

Another poem I wrote from utter BOREDOM (seriously) and I just came out with it:

Economics, my bane
It hurts worse than a cane
Drives the completely sane insane
And short-circuits my brain

Why, Economics?
Do you have to torment?!
What sick pleasure do you derive
From hearing my pained lament?!

Oh, Economics!
If only you were flesh
I'd hate you much more efficiently,
Forget A, P, D & X E

(For those who don't know, there are certain efficiencies of economics in which market structures are judged against, namely Allocative Efficiency, Productive Efficiency, Dynamic Efficiency and X-Efficiency)

Yet another poem I wrote was inspired by the LAZY Emmanuel during today's Econs lecture. Just a short ditty:

Don't slouch
You louse
I vouch
For cows

They stand up straight
As though of late

And that's it!

Seriously, my Econs notes are SO filled with doodles, it's a wonder I get away with anything substantial in my hard-pressed brain...



Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Too tired.

Many things in my life seem to be falling apart. Right about now.

I don't know, I guess I've always been looking, but I never seem to find it. It's hard to recover that from my previous years. Where the dependency was quite large to the point of losing all worry. But now it's hard. There's a lot of uncertatinty, and you don't want to disturb or intrude.

I was just talking to Matthew on MSN, and I think I miss secondary school. Not my secondary school per se, but the freedom of a lot of things. Heck, I'd even trade my current 4 subjects for those 8 subjects I took! Wasn't this hard then.

But maybe God's just using this to mould my character. Could be. The reliance is increasing, which is good. But my mood swings back and forth.

Thinking too much leads to nothing really good.

In this state of a semi-blurred, confused, mind. It swirls round and round once more. It sucks, and I resist. Strongly. But the strength starts to wane.


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Then sings my soul... ...

Okay, so I got tagged 4 times by different people to do the random-fact thing.


10 weird/random things about me:

1) I think too much. Like, really.

2) I respect Bill Watterson a lot. I think he's a real genius. And funny too. For example, there was this comic strip with Calvin going, "I wonder who was the guy that went up to a cow and said 'I think I'll drink whatever comes out of this.'" That's a scary thought. Imagine if you traced things back to their beginnnings. I think it's pretty scary. I mean, imagine if people didn't cook over a fire but instead froze food in the fridge than ate them. Gross.

3) I'm a compulsive liar and I have to lie all the time.

4) I get insecure about myself quite a bit.

5) I hate rice. I prefer sandwiches. Seriously, spend your whole life eating rice and you'll be ready to jump at the next thing that comes your way. For me, at least.

6) Even though I quite hate rice, I absolutely have to finish every single grain on my plate. My plate has to be entirely clean, for that matter, save oil and sauces. And maybe vegetables.

7) I don't really like Singapore. Which is bad. But I'm sorta kinda trying to change that.

8) My mood usually goes according to moods of everyone else. Unless I'm in a bad mood. Then people in good moods piss me off.

9) I think the reason why Science cannot explain every single thing on this planet is because God saves some mysteries to keep Man from being too proud. Then when Man is proud, God can go all "Haha, did you know about .... .... and how that absolutely defeats your theorems and axioms?"

10) If I were to meet myself, I think I'd seriously hate myself. Or really clique with myself. Depends on which side of myself I get on.

1) Colin (I haven't forgotten about you, bitch)

2) Matthew (You too, emo kid - how did you get so emo anyway???)

3) EMMANUEL (Haha, here's something for you to blog about so you can blog)

4) Geraldine (If you read my blog. Which I think you do. Or not.)

5) Hui Ping (So you blog about something unrelated to music. Unless your random facts are about music. In which case the whole purpose is gone.)

6) Priscilla Samuel (I'd like to see what you come up with!!!)

7) Perdana (See how many vocabularities you can throw in!!! [Haha! I just made up that word! 'Vocabularities' - A strong command of English that actually throws people off balance and insults their intelligence}] Cool, eh?)

8) Roy (Do you have a blog? If you do, do!)

9) Hilary (Blog about something OTHER than America. Which is interesting. But relate back here, you!)

10) Nick (Do something other than complain about your life - KIDDING. Really.)

11) Cinthia (Throw some things other than medical terms!!! Haha!)

12) Vanessa (Please don't just talk about food here. HAHA!)

13) Dawn (Go on, VP!!!)

14) Martin Chris (I haven't forgotten about YOU as well. Even though you're way low at the bottom... You do know I'm kidding.)

15) Derrick (Do it, then drop a tag!!!)

16) Jennifer (If you don't do this, I'll push you off the stairs)

17) ANY SG 06 PEOPLE WHO ARE READING THIS AND HAVE BLOGS!!! Blog on the sg-six blog as well, acutally. It's quite dead.

I think that's enough?

However, I think that last point (scroll all the way up) bears quite a bit of consideration. How would you treat yourself if you met yourself? That's interesting, actually.

So anyway, I've been singing quite a lot these few days (okay, not a lot, but still) - perfoming-wise, I mean. And I think God really does things in His time. He won't let you do something until you're ready.

Enough said.

I've more or less decided to just mug seriously for my Promos now.

I'm going to do well!!!




Of course.

So we're back to this, eh?

Random paragraphs of random conversations with myself.



Wonder how many colloquialisms I can come up with here.





So I guess I'll end off now... On a higher note than I have been for quite sometime!

(Cue Mariah's whistle-tone)


HAHAHAHA!!! Insaintly High!!!

