So I've been slacking around home these past few days, lazing around and just mooching about, basically.
Not around home - I went out yesterday 'til about 12 plus and came home all tired and stuffs, but the basic idea is that I'm just really, really sluggish.
Which is good, I guess. Kinda like de-stressing for me. Until Sunday. To 'chillax'. Huh.
It's real relaxing not having to think about homework. Cos I'm just pushing all of that away until school reopens again. Then I'll blast the A Levels to kingdom come.
Meanwhile, my brain is atrophy-ing at a rate faster than my metabolism rate is going - which means I'm getting all pudgy. ARGH. I have to start exercising soon.
Maybe when my brain starts again...
My brain's shuttin down again even though I woke up, like, 3 hours ago. Maybe I'll go take a nap or something. Too tired to go out today. Heh.
I imagine this is how life would be after the A's.
Or not.
At least I'm in a WHOLE lot better mood this few days.
Though I sound quite cynical here. Probably cos I'm tired.
Ah well.
"Cos I am so much better than before!"
Not around home - I went out yesterday 'til about 12 plus and came home all tired and stuffs, but the basic idea is that I'm just really, really sluggish.
Which is good, I guess. Kinda like de-stressing for me. Until Sunday. To 'chillax'. Huh.
It's real relaxing not having to think about homework. Cos I'm just pushing all of that away until school reopens again. Then I'll blast the A Levels to kingdom come.
Meanwhile, my brain is atrophy-ing at a rate faster than my metabolism rate is going - which means I'm getting all pudgy. ARGH. I have to start exercising soon.
Maybe when my brain starts again...
My brain's shuttin down again even though I woke up, like, 3 hours ago. Maybe I'll go take a nap or something. Too tired to go out today. Heh.
I imagine this is how life would be after the A's.
Or not.
At least I'm in a WHOLE lot better mood this few days.
Though I sound quite cynical here. Probably cos I'm tired.
Ah well.
"Cos I am so much better than before!"
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