Monday, September 8, 2008

History is really cool.

I just found that out when I was bugging my parents about my ancestors.

It's cool, cos I found out that most likely, I'm descended from scholars/officials [my dad's side] and from exiled-officials [mum's side]. Which means either way, I have royal blood. In a way.

And it's really cool cos apparently, my dad's dialect [of which I'm supposed to inherit, patriarchal system and all that] is actually a language that was invented by the officials in China to talk to the emperor, and to distinguish themselves from the commoners [elitist, much???] so I'm thinking maybe I really am descended from there. Since the lines drawn are SO parallel.


But I think that's where the magnetic attraction of History lies in. You can just trace back your roots, and you're just a part of so many people. I was trying to follow my mum's side of her family [I was at my maternal grandmother's house] and we were talking about surnames, and I was wondering why my maternal great-grandfather's surname was Loh, and my mother's surname is Wong, and she goes, 'I take my father's surname' and I just saw this immense picture of relatives and people all stretching out, then converging to form me.

It was really cool.

I think I'd go get my family tree done one day. It'd be so cool.

And I'm SO shagged out from work and stuff.

3-hour Lit paper today - no joke. I'm glad, with the length of my essays, though; about 3 and a half pages per essay. Which made me quite satisfied. The content is just. I don't know. Yeah.


I'm going to sleep now, cos I'm that tired.



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