Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Counting down to the A's!...

And I'm top of my work! Well, except Economics... And I still have to do some reading up for Lit... And practice for Math... And research for IS...


Oh, Lord. It's been a long, long time. But I'm glad I'm returning to You.

I see so many things now...

It's different, now.

Self-actualization: good?

Maybe, and maybe not. Debatable.


I wish...

That my life...

Had a "Greek cho-ruuuuus!!!!!"

That'd make it more exciting!

Not like my life needs any hyping-up... That's for sure. But it'd be so cool if people suddenly burst into song randomly over the thematic issues of life.

Like today in Econs lecture, Rachel [Ho, since there're so many] and I suddenly conversed on something about musicals. [Oh yeah, I remember now; it was because I wanted to look at the clock, which is located behind in the CC, so I turned around with dramatic flair, with chin held high, eyebrows raised in expectations, eyes wide in hope - then disappointment as I realized there was 17 minutes left to the lecture, which manifested itself with a slump back to the front in a "Aww..." manner. So in effect there was this moment of two freeze-frames in quick succession, randomly dramatic. I felt so weird after, and Rachel happened to catch me doing that kinda-embarrassing thing.]

So we started talking about drama [I was talking over Sofia's shoulder as she was sitting behind me diagonally, a very inconvenient position to talk in. I don't suggest holding conversations like that. Especially for the person in front.] and we were just wondering how it'd be like if the whole lecture populace suddenly burst into song-and-dance [she spectacularly came up with a scenario which highly resembled the "I Wanna Be A Producer" number in The Producers - and all by herself!].


I wonder what would happen if that were to happen in Lit class or something...

I imagine it'd go something like:

Student (tentatively speaking):
Um, may I ask a question?

[Dramatic pause]

Teacher (spoken):
Question? Question?
You want to ask a question?
You want to ask this teacher here a very simple question?

Student (spoken):
Well, it isn't that -

Teacher (interruptedly singing):
Thank gooood-neeeeeess!!!!!!! (holds note)

I've worked here for so long
And I've never done a wrong
I've taught my students everything I know


The only reason why I'm never wrong
Is because they never understood my song

But now I've got a question
I can now answer it!
Yeah I've gotten my first question
Stupidity - back seat!

This is His-to-ry in the making, yes sir
Although I'm teaching Literature!

[Students stare at Teacher weirdly as she flies into full song-and-dance mode, jumping on tables and ripping up textbooks, and carouses all over the room with wild abandon.]


I wonder what it'd be like if Ms K did that in class.


I think I'd die.

No, actually, I'd film it down first, then I'd die, because I'd have put it on YouTube or something and she'd have killed me.


See, this blog is so interesting. It's got prose, poetry, and now drama.

I should call this blog "A Literature of Literature" or something.


Back to my work!

Or rather, start on it...

"Keep it positive!
As you slap her to the floor!
Keep it positive!
As you pull her hair and call her whore!
You can take in her in a fight!
You and he will re-unite!
You know we're right
We're positive!"

To clarify, this is a song. It's just to keep me positive, since it's so happy:D

Anyway, 'her' can be referred to as the A's [when did exams receive accolades of female pronouns?!] and 'he' can be. Um. My EXCELLENT grades! Although I've never had excellent grades before, so I can't really re-unite, since we were never united... How about my sanity, which I assume will return after the A's?

Oh yeah!!!

Yeah, I'm positive! ;)


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