Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'm getting tired.

Not annoyed, irritated, or anything like that... Just tired.

Of people throwing out assumptions about me like that.

People don't bother to check? They just take what they assume, what they read, what they think is the truth, and it settles in just like that. And honestly, I'm really, really tired of that.

I mean, it's not surprising - from this angle - if I develop a love-me-or-hate-me attitude, right? If you're going to get affected by every single thing that someone thinks of you, you'll die before you even hit your prime.

I'm guilty of that as well, of course, but at least I check myself and try not to do that. People who do it without even being aware of it... I dunno.

I'm not angry. Just... I really don't know. I guess I'm just so immune to that kind of rubbish from experiencing it so much, I've just learnt to let it just pass me by. Cos seriously, it's just not worth it to expend time and energy on that.

If people don't even bother to confirm what's happening, but make up stories that exist only in their heads, and get angry or annoyed or irritated with me or whatever as a result, then that's their problem. I have no right to what people think, so I just won't do anything about it.



"You thought I was dumb / But I think that some-/ body's judgement was poor..."


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