Thursday, July 10, 2008

So here I am, blogging at 4.27 a.m. in the morning.

Cos I decided I was too tired last night, and I slept at 9 p.m., and so woke up early to finish some stuff I have to do today.

Anyway. Yesterday was our Stepping-Down Ceremony. Which ended my Council term.

I don't know if it was of the hardness of my heart or whatever, but I didn't cry. And I wasn't even trying to hold back.

I really don't know, but perhaps I was trying to distance myself emotionally already - I tried checking myself as I was walking home, but I couldn't come up with an answer. It's the first time I've digged into myself and come up with nothing.

Perhaps I'm really losing it.

I mean, I really had fun during Council, and there were a lot of emotions involved, throughout my term. Doing the Dance and the Awards for Teacher's Day [who can forget the Doomacali! (?) explosion?]; being Tribal Head of Siersha [with our tongue-twisting Arts Fac cheer: Siersha see you so vacuous/ Looking like you so pretentious/ Cos we've got a so-delicious/ So-victorious shine/ Siersha think you asinine/ We disregard your pi so fine/ Your 3.14159/ Break it down! Shabooya! Sha-sha-shabooya, roll call!] with all the mad rapping and screaming sessions with the other Tribal Heads [Jue Ying (Achomawi), ZhiYang (Iroquois), Jerico (Nahane) and Vivian (Tienno)], and even the discussing of the themes of our Identity with the rest of the Siersha Tribe; Planning Friendship Week with all the mad-cap ideas coming in ["let's sell the balloons as much as possible so we can pay for the movie screening which costs about $1200!]; Even thinking of sadistic ideas to torture the J1s in our Selection Camp meetings [not to mention touching Vivian's shoulder as Mr Chua told us his mathematically-inclined ghost story to make her scream], thinking about Screamscape and things like that.

I mean, there are so many more memories in my head; do I miss them?

Perhaps I resent Council a bit for giving something and taking it away so quickly, that I shut myself off from it. And as of now, I think that's as far as I can go in examining my intentions and past motives. I would come face-to-face with it in the future - and maybe that's when I'll feel the regret.

But above all, I know I did my best for Council, and I am glad to be part of the 30th Student Council in SAJC.

Our Father by whose servants
Our school was built of old
Whose hand has crowned Thy children
With blessings manifold
For Thy unfailing mercies
Far strewn along our way
With all who passed before us
We praise Thy name today

They reaped not where they laboured
We reap what they have sown
Our harvest may be garnered
By ages yet unknown
The days of old have dowered us
With gifts beyond all praise
Our Father make us faithful
To serve the coming days

Before us and beside us
Still holden by Thy hand
A cloud of unseen witness
Our elder comrades stand
One family unbroken
We join with one acclaim
One heart, one voice uplifting
To glorify Thy Name


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