Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We love you, Glinda, if we may be so frank

Thank Goodness!

For all this joy, we know who we've got to thank:
Thank Goodness!

Couldn't be goodlier
Couldn't be lovelier
Couldn't be luckier

I couldn't be happier

Thank Goodness

Thank Goodness for today!

Which really reflects what I feel now, and I'm not being sarcastic about it.

However, if you actually know the song... Hm.

So anyway, I have all my Prelim results back.

And they're spectacular! -ish. -ly bad, actually.

But it's okay, the SEED will grow into a tree, and I'll get my A's.

I know I will.

Do I?

Sometimes I think I have all this potential inside of me that's just waiting to be tapped into [which kinda reminds me of that scene from HSM where Gabriella goes, "Have you ever felt like there's this whole other person inside of you just waiting to come out?" in which the black girl does this "Not really" diva act thing, but that's digressing] and other days I feel like the stupidest person on Earth and I think I'd just die an inebriate or something.

I dunno. Maybe it's my upbringing - everyone always telling me, "You're so talented! So full of potential!" since I was young: my parents, my piano teacher, violin teacher, band teacher, dance teacher, family, friends, etc., etc. and you know what? Maybe I'm not. Maybe I'm ordinary. Maybe I'm just as normal as anyone, with nothing special to me. Maybe all this "I'm just lazy" or "I'm procrastinating" or "I didn't study" is just an excuse to why I fail. Maybe I am really just not very bright.

And yet, I don't know. I really feel like I have something, but it's just not manifesting itself. I really don't know.

Maybe I'm afraid of failure. So I don't study. So I can just say, "It's because I didn't study" and leave it at that.


Maybe it's time to really get down and dirty with the books [and they ARE dirty. And dusty.] and papers and worksheets and stuff.

Goodness, I can't believe I'm saying this 6 weeks before the A Levels.

My second wind?

It was a breeze. [Literally]

Oh, I wish a wind would blow [it'd be my third, and hopefully strongest] and it would blow so strong that Mary Poppins would come and make everything alright with her spit-spot no-nonsense tone of voice.

I need a nanny.

However, not Fran. She's too... nasal?

Oh, Mary Poppins! Let the East Wind blow and may you come into my life with a bang, sliding up the banisters, spewing nonsensical fantastical non-existing vocabulary, and giving me sound advice, whipping me into shape!

When trying to express oneself, it's frankly quite absurd,
To leaf through lengthy lexicons to find the perfect word.
A little spontaniety keeps conversation keen,
You need to find a way to say, precisely what you mean

Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious!
If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound precocious,

My goal: To learn how to say it backwards with the ease that Julie Andrews has:

Of course you can say it backwards, which is Suoicodilaipxecitsiligarfilacrepus, but that would be pushing it, don't you think?



In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and snap! the job's a game!

And every task you undertake
Becomes a piece of cake
A lark! A spree!
It's very clear to see!
That a...

Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down!
The medicine go do-own
The medicine go down
Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
In the most delightful way!


Speaking of spoonful of sugars, Kristin Chenoweth didn't win an Emmy for Pushing Daisies! G told me the unbelievable news last night, cos she was all "Kristin Chenoweth didn't win an Emmy!" and I'm like "For Pushing Daisies??" "Yeah!" "Who did?" and she says some obscure name, and I'm "Who the heck is that?"

At least Tina Fey won an Emmy! Tina Fey, the genius comedienne. Which was really cool.

On the other hand, I think I should actually watch Kristin Chenoweth in Pushing Daisies before I make comments and throw out phrases that seem like I would die for her, being her biggest fan and all. Which I'm not.


As I was walking home, I was just thinking to myself.

Maybe it just is. And you can't change it. No matter how hard you try. Maybe it's meant. And if that's the case, then - I don't know. Where do you place God in all these? True, there isn't such things as fate - but this and all the other evidences...? I dunno.

That was twice, and I don't know. Maybe I'm just thinking too much, but...

You know, it probably isn't. So I should stop. And I will. Eventually. And let's hope it's coming to that.



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