Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I guess it's been there all along. Just that I didn't reach out and touch it.

Thank You, Lord, for showing me.

It's so irritating that I keep forgetting things I shouldn't. Forgetting things that could've prevented all that whole fusillade of emotional rides that lead to no point. Forgetting things that He's taught me, time and time again.

Thank God He's so patient. That He'd teach me things again once I forget them.

Mercy... Grace... Love.

I'm glad for that inner peace now. It was always available. But somehow it gets lost when I dwell too much on things that are not good for my soul.

I promised myself that I wouldn't let my soul, my spirit get lost in that mad, materialistic rush for 4 As for the A Levels. It's just not worth it.

I'm just feeling so grateful to God now. I can't even express it, because it'll only look like I'm repeating the same words over and over again.

So I guess this post shall be short.


"I don't want to reach that stage, Lord, where I get 4 As for the A Levels but I lose my soul and my spirit in the process. I mean, I know I can get those 4 As, but I don't want to have to do that. It isn't worth it. Help me, Lord."


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