Friday, April 27, 2007

Oops... I didn't know I had many readers to this blog.

Not like I knew how to find out through some really complicated way of looking at the number of people per day who visit my blog. I'm quite computer-stupid that way. By choice, I stress. Cos I'm too lazy to bother with stuff like that. Hence the really boring template.

So, like, Jen, updating here, and I'm not a himbo, you thing. *pushes you, and you flail really wildly with your hands waving in erratic arcs before you let out a scream and totally embarrass yourself and everyone stares at you and you try to act all demure by putting your hand to your mouth in a dignified 'Oops!' way which try as you might, you can't pull off due to your lack of sophistication and class*

Whoa. That was one long role-play.

So today was okay, I guess.. Getting back into the swing of things into school... I being my more warm, amiable, vibrant personality I was in Orientation 1 *grins wildly as I hate to put stupid emoticons unless they're really necessary*.

And I went for another test today. Will the tests never stop coming!?!?!

Yep, it was the H3 Math Selection Test. Which I didn't really feel like going for. But John dragged me along. (He has this really weird, gross face when he pouts, so I go along to keep my innards from forcing their way up my body and into whatever place I choose to vomit at/into/in. Don't tell him I said that.) It was quite cool, actually... The test was really fun!!!

I just saw that particular school's SYF rehearsal. That school which was before us. The School-Which-Shall-Not-Be-Named-Due-To-Me-Not-Wanting-To-Be-A-Total-Bitch-And-Blacklisting-Their-School-Name-And-Getting-Myself-Into-Trouble. That school.

I just got SO whatever about the whole thing. I mean, really. But whatever.

Gosh, I miss dance... I really, really miss it... There was a meeting today, and I didn't go... I miss the people too... Both J1s and J2s, I guess, taking back what I said. But I'll want to continue dancing. I will. (Note: This does not, however, permit my class, dear 07A06 and anyone outside, to carry on calling me "Graceful" or "Dancer" since I have officially quit Dance in school. HA. Not like that's a good thing. But still.)

So we had House Council elections today. I voted for the bimbotic girls since I didn't know who else to vote. There was this girl who went up with a totally bimbotic voice and told us a joke. "So, like, I'm going to tell a blonde joke, ok? (Side comment from Jillian: That's so ironic.) Anyways, there're this group of blondes, right, and they go into this pub, right, and they, like, order a round of shots, and they, like, toast while saying '57 days!' So they keep ordering rounds of shots and toasting '57 days!' So, like, around the 8th round, the bartender goes up to them and asked them what they were celebrating. So these group of girls, they go, like, 'Oh, we just completed a jigsaw puzzle, and on the box, it said to 2-4 years old'."

I laughed. Really loudly. And it sounded like it was only my voice in the CC. Looked like I was the only one who got it. (This does not, in any way, say anything about my character since I got it.)

Then Rachel started telling blonde jokes as well, after we left and I was drinking a *pause for breath of joy* Ice-Blended Chocolate Mocha (seriously, I think coffee was hand-made and engineered by God).

So, like, I'm rambling on, and I've to go off soon cos my sis is all, "I'm dying to play Urbz. Can you help me download?"

What a drama queen.

(Anyone who says "Ironic much???" will be so dead.)


Blogger nick said...

oh hi matheus! how's dance

April 28, 2007 at 8:35 PM  

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