Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Don't mistake me for being some Nazi-supporter. I'm not.

This is just one of the songs in the show "The Producers".

Fine, I know I'm slow. Be that way.

Anyway, so I've just seen the show, and that song's stuck in my head.

But everytime I watch a musical, it reminds me: I LOVE BROADWAY!!!

I just love it. Don't know why. Ever since I was young. The first time I heard a Broadway piece (you know one of those grand openings with the fanfare and all that with the typical Broadway feel to it), my heart soared and I was basking in the majesty of the brasses as they blasted away.


But I just love it. Really, really love it.

Flashback: Little Britain - Majorie Dawes: I just LOVE cake! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!!!


There's just something about Broadway that gets to me like no other genre does.

Dawn says she would like to do Broadway/Jazz for next year's Rapture. How I wish I'd be able to participate!!!

Ah, well. Only God knows.

But I just love Broadway. Don't know why I'm constantly saying it in this post, but there you are.



(Just to be clear, I'm talking about the place that stages musicals, and not those cheap coffee-shops/boutiques/other-shops that rip off the name to try to make their shop sound classy. Though some of those coffee-shops have quite not-bad foods.)


(Cue final, grand, majestic note after this belt)

Sorry, it's that dramatic part of me. Again.


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